Focusing on You
01 — I will be accessible and responsive to you – our residents
As a passionate and engaged citizen, community volunteer, and long-term Worthington resident who is dedicated to our City and community, I will devote the time and energy to make the City and your concerns my priority. The needs of all of our citizens and neighborhoods are equally important when making community decisions. I believe that being up front, open, and honest is the best approach to community conversations. I believe that communication and understanding are key components to a happy, thriving community. The more that we all know, the more we can realize our wants, needs and desires for a wonderful quality of life here in Worthington.
02 — I am committed to reinvesting in our neighborhoods and in our aging infrastructure
First, let us recognize that the City’s budget is a reflection of our community values and priorities. It also reflects Council’s priorities. A priority of mine is investing in our neighborhoods, Old Worthington, our parks, and our connecting corridors.
Worthington is composed of many wonderful neighborhoods surrounding and connected to our treasured historic core. We have a common bond and rely on shared services. But most of our neighborhoods were built between the 1940s and 1980s. As a result, our infrastructure is in need of serious attention, replacement, and updating (leaking water pipes, stormwater issues, aging sidewalks, streets, trails, dated parks and playground equipment, etc.) We also have partner provider issues that need attention such as frequent power outages and consistent fast and reliable internet service. These issues need to be addressed for the safety and quality of life of our citizens. To deal with past downturns, our City has been forced to reduce funding in these areas. These needs deserve our focused attention. Furthermore, our City has developed various plans such as the Bike & Pedestrian Master Plan, the Parks Master Plan, and the Sustainability Action Plan - all that need to be more aggressively implemented and funded. I am committed to working with our city and partners to focus on, fund, and address these pressing infrastructure investments.
03 — I will work to grow our employment base and support smart, contributing growth
The long-term prosperity of our City is dependent on a strong tax base. I am committed to growing the number of family-wage jobs and businesses within our City so that we have both strong local businesses and the City revenue to continue to provide and improve upon the high-quality services we all expect.
Worthington is a land-locked, first ring suburb. Our City is reliant on the income taxes generated by those who work within Worthington. Unfortunately, just like our infrastructure, our commercial office stock has aged. What were once desirable Class A office buildings 40 years ago are now Class B or less, and we are in a very competitive market. Worthington must attract private reinvestment along our primary commercial and industrial corridors because those tax revenues pay for all of the services we love and the new amenities we desire.
Additionally, our City has not been able to keep up with our aging residents’ housing needs or strived to maintain our affordable housing options. Projects like Stafford Village are a great start, and the reinvestment in the Worthington Mall and Gateway area is needed. Time passes, attitudes and markets change, and we must adapt in a Worthington-appropriate manner.
If you are interested in learning more about our City’s budget, I encourage you to go to the City link, watch the short videos, and try the interactive budget tools. Worthington Budget Videos & Tool
04 — I will encourage community conversations on the tough issues we face
Worthington is at an inflection point where tough conversations are needed on issues we all care about. We need to discuss where we are as a city and community, what our options are, and build consensus on how we move forward together. Some issues are contentious, some require focus, and most resolutions require resources. In my individual conversations with our residents, I have heard concerns related to:
How we grow our city resources;
Where to prioritize funding and investment;
Improving our relationships with each other;
Funding and prioritizing our aging infrastructure;
The future of the UMCH site;
The future of our commercial and industrial areas;
How to increase housing options for our older adults;
How to be a more welcoming and inclusive community;
Aiding Old Worthington commerce;
Investing in a robust bicycle and pedestrian network;
Investing in park and pool improvements;
Building our relationship with the school system and larger district;
Improving sustainability; and
And much more.
As your City Council representative I will embrace these conversations, help us to understand our options, and continue to initiate community outreach on how we move forward together.
Let me know the important conversations that you want to have.
05 — I intend to build upon the community consensus of our Vision Plan
The City embarked upon a Vision Worthington Plan led by a dedicated, diverse group of volunteer residents appointed by Council. The result is a balanced vision that charts a course for our future that is authentic to who we are, and more importantly, who we want to be as a community. We had the largest number of Worthington residents – over 3,000 – to ever participate in sharing their vision for the future of our City. This community guidance provides a foundation for continued enhancement of our City and improving our quality of life in ways that align with our values. I am committed to building upon these community-wide goals and seeing the tenets of Vision Worthington advance.